Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi, my name is Gloria Colon, I am a Liberal Arts International Studies major at LaGuardia Community College. I plan on majoring in political science, philosophy, and international relations, after I graduate, in either Hunter College or Brooklyn College in the Fall semester 2012. My experience at LaGuardia has been great, I've met quite a few inspiring professors, and have had amazing opportunities granted to me.

In regards to future educational and career plans I plan to continue studying until I recieve my doctorates degree in the field mentioned above. While I am persuing my degrees I plan on being involved in either government or non profit organizations which focus on helping the disadvantaged here and abroad. I want to help make positive change in the world, to be an active participant and do my best to do whatever is needed to accomplish that.

I believe that I am more of a  humanities person than one of science. I do feel positive about the advances we have made in science which has been able to save lives and make life easier for most, but I can not help to feel a bit scared of it.

We have seen as a society how science has been able to increase globalization at a speed never imagined. Which can be both good and bad; at the same time we are becoming more interconnected with each other we are also becoming more disconnected from one another on a daily basis. Who would have imagined that through social networking regimes would start to fall in Northern Africa? Pretty amazing how that movement spread to all the neighboring countries in a matter of weeks (even days!). At the same time riding the subway, and just simply walking on the street you are witness to the disconnectedness caused by science (technology) as well.

Only time will tell if science will bring us together or tear that human connection apart.

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