Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #7

We have learned about quite a few scientist who have contributed amazing discoveries to the world in this class. Some are world renowned like Albert Einstein, and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Others are not so well known because of their gender or race like Rosalind Franklin and Percy Julian; but nevertheless have made amazing discoveries in science. They are all truly inspiring because of their genius, I chose Percy Julian because his was a special case. He was making astondable scientific discoveries during his time as a scientist, he was also an African American man in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement.

Percy Julian was a chemist; also the first person to use plants for medicinal cures and household products. He was an African American man living in the south during one of the most dangerous times to be one. As a child he came across a horrible discovery that he would never forget; he went for a walk in the woods looking for plants one day and came across a young African American boy hanging from a tree.

Percy Julian was able to attend college but not able to recieve his Ph.d in America because of his race. He had to travel over seas to Geneva to finish his studies. When he returned home he began to work for Glidden and made many new discoveries (mainly household products) derived from soybeans. He had his own lab and worked diligintly and patiently until he got the results he was looking for.

His greatest discovery was the discovery of cortisone, which is derived from you guessed it soybeans! Cortisone relieved arthritic pain and made it possible for those suffering from arthritis to walk again. At the same he and his family were getting death threats as well as hate crimes commited against them. This was all happening because he decided to move his family and buy a home in an afluent neighborhood; which just so happened to be a caucasian only neighborhood.

Percy Julian managed to overcome all of these obstacles and managed to become one of the great chemist of our times. He became a mentor to young African Americans, and told them that yes even as a man of color it is possible to accomplish success.

Percy Julian being able to accomplish so much while facing so much adversity is an inspiration to me. It just further proves to me that anything is possible once you truly believe that you can accomplish it, even when walls are placed firm in front of you.

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