Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #3

I was finding it really hard to narrow a topic down for my research paper. There were many topics that were of intrest to me. Here they are:

Research paper idea #2--The vision of a car-driven future of suburbia in the New York The Worlds Fair (1939-1940) vs. the problem of global warming.

Also from #2 ---The promise of human cloning (stem cell research?) vs. potential problems (from bio-ethicists, etc.)

Research paper idea #5---Historical research on a Scientist and (a controversy).
There were so many options for this idea. A few I would have considered were Galileo Galiliei, Albert Einstein, and Jane Goodall.

Research paper idea #6---Portraying Robots (or Human Clones) in Film.
This one was also of great ineterst to me not only because of the intriguing topic but also because I was a fan of Terminator, Battlestart Galactica, The Matrix, and Stephen Spielburgs AI.

I narowed it down to two topics, ideas #2 and #6. Very difficult to choose, for one is sci-fi and the other was at onetime just a vision (which dare I say sci-fi as well?) before it was actually put into place.

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