Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog #5

Mid-Term Practice


  • The New York World's Fair took place between 1939-1940, the most popular exibit was the Futurama exibit.
  • Futuram was huge in size, and showed people then what cities would look like in the near future of 1960. Not only were cities depicted in small scale models but so where the towns that lay on the out skirts.
  • Everything was lush and green, and saw suburbia as there pathway to clean living, and homeownership.
  • There were massive highways leading to and from the city, the world was at the palm of your hands; only if you had car to get you around.
  • Government supported these "superhighways" to be built.
  • A massive migration to the suburbs began to take root.
  • Towns started to change, the city became were people worked and the suburbs is where they lived.
  • Overcunsumption began to take hold growing more and more as the decades went forward.
  • Fossil fuels began to become high in demand, which meant more toxic fumes to be released into the ozone layer.
  • Ford partially to blame, the promoted the building of superhighways and the use of cars.
  • Now we have to figure to erase decades and decades of the American dream Futurama was selling.

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