Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #8

My thoughts on science and humanities have expanded since the start of this course. This class was very interesting and the content was unexpected (a very pleasant surprise). I do see both science and the humanities differently now. I see how they can combine to make amazing things, and how if there is lack of  humanism in science the path can get very dark and bumpy. I still am more of a humanities person but I do see the positive things science and technologies bring to improve/advance our society.

I am very optimistic about the future, I just believe that regulations have to be put in place in order to enforce the ethical codes we have set in society. If they are not put in place it would be a little scary thinking out what further damage man can do to the ecosystem in the name of science and technology.

 I thouroghly enjoyed all of the readings including the two books. Einsteins Dreams was filled with brilliant observation and wondorous imagination. Mary Shellys Frankenstein warns mankind not to attempt to think that it is so supreme that it has the capabilities of emulating nature in creation. Just because you are capable of doing something does not mean that it is right for you to do it.

Looking forward to see what interesting new innovations come along together in both thought and science.

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