Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #4

In films such as the Terminator and The Matrix robots have taken over and now rule the future ; a future were  man is a slave. Their intelligence is of the strong AI capacity which  make them have a feeling of conscious awareness which is simply evoked by a computer.This robot interprutation
is the same one depicted in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

The conter-arguement is Ray Kurzweil's book The Singularity is  Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. He believes that robotics will surpass human intelligence and assist human achievement. He os totally at ease with thhis idea because he believes they will not do us any harm.

Most  of the robots depicted in the movies are of the Philip Dick kind, they are almost identical to humans in every way and want to cause us harm.

Robots are not as scary to people in real life (though the ones in the you tube videos shown in class were a littl creepy). Many of them have become humanized, and are actually quite cute. Society welcomes robotics because it makes their life easier and sometimes it is more cost effecient (if you own a business) than hiring a human.  

My point of veiw is that yes robotics can be  amazing (look at the robots that travel into space, pretty awesome) but we should also be cautious as to how intelligent we makes this technology. I am not sure if it is because I have seen too many sci-fi movies in which robots take over or if it is because of my creative imagination but I do believe the question of robots  in society will start to get tricker as technology advances.

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