Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking Blog Assignment  #2

 One of my favorite television shows of all time is Lost on ABC. Honestly I am not much a television watcher but this show pulled me in. It is actually pretty complicated to describe briefly but I'll give it a shot. A plane headed to Los Angeles from Australia crashes onto a mysterious island, somehow everybody who survives is linked to one another in some way. Later on it gets more complicated because then physics gets involved as well as metaphysics. There are elements depicting good and evil as well as philosphical concepts.

It was a very intriguing show, I enjoyed it very much and was very sad to see it end. When I would watch it it always left me in a state of "awe", and wonderment. It was like a complicated puzzle you were trying to put together with some pieces that almost fit and others that do not even look like they are part of a puzzle at all.

Watching the show did not make me feel threatened by this area of science at all, in fact it made me curious sbout it; I wanted to learn more! Never have I felt so challenged (intellectually) by a show on televison, ABC at that!

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